This morning before I swiped my badge and make my way to my car, an envelope was slipped into my pocket. We smiled like children passing each other notes behind the teachers back. I was so temped to rip it open in front of everyone. I knew whatever it was, it was going to make me smile from ear to ear. There is some people in this world that is just plain descent. With no added extra BS. My coworker is such a sweetheart. I hope to meet more people like her in 2024 and years to come. Simple notes with kind words of appreciation is literally all it takes. I will cherish this forever. Yes, this little card has me choked up.

I keep telling myself that I’m going to work on passive income of some sort. But What? I had to figure out what I’m good at and take it from there. To think that I was sitting on so many different skills. Sewing, crotchet, art, coding, I mean my mother did so much while raising me, her gifts will be passed on to my girls as well. I watched mom sew all of my outfits as a single mother with a set income. She made life work for her. I want to add what I know, plus what she taught me and go after a few dreams I didn’t know I had. http://www.friendlyvirgodesigns.shop is the first official business move I’ve made in 2023. Full steam ahead, I’m about to push for greatness. I will sharpen my skills, attend every business function I can reach, rub shoulders with the known and unknown. Take in all the advice and stories anyone wants to share. I’m excited for this next chapter in my life. I will be fearless. I will be intentional. I want to recap this year at the end of December knowing I crossed off a few goals, milestones, and demolishing a few fears. I’m too good of a person to care about if people will like me.I’m likable! Awkward, but likable.