On a positive note…

The way life could knock you so far out and over to the other side is amazing. Sitting here thinking about the things I plan to do in 2025 with fear of what this new president have in store for my family. I don’t feel safe as a black woman raising black children in an economy where food, gas and housing is at a major incline. Paycheck hasn’t moved to match these increases and no solutions for it. I mean, my children will probably have to depend on me through their adult life if they want to join the real world and financially be stable in it. This is not the future that many has planned for and it’s sad.

The focus for 2025 is positivity. Looking forward to living my life again and not stressing out over things I have no control over. I am determined to work towards what I deserve and stop making excuses on why I don’t think it’s possible for me. I’ve always wanted a certain life and having kids made it seem impossible. But I was wrong, waiting for the right time was the key. The time is now. I am ready. Excited for the possible and the impossible. Whatever extra god has planned, I am here to receive and I’m thankful.
Which lead me to the decision to head back to school and finally finish what I started. Showing my daughters by example hard work and determination will lead you on the path of your well earn goal you set for myself. A single parent with a high school freshman going to Catholic School and a third grader making strides right after her sister. Six years apart and they’re never apart. The two I have to keep providing for emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. They’re kindly reminding of my adolescent days of what I use to do and get away with. Keeps me alert of all the things that I have to protect them from. My mom must be internally laughing at me. I have finally become her, the parent that worries, that is trying to make my kids learn from my mistakes because I already know the outcome. These days I’m emotionally meeting them half way so they can know it’s not all punishment and harsh talking, What I do and say comes from a place of love. And reminding them I was once their age and I know the world looks fun and inviting, but it’s tough with scary people waiting around the corner hoping you slip up. Talk about a dose of reality to kill the buzz.
Feels good to finally be here.